2016 has been declared as the year of the scarves. My brother got one for his birthday (well, more like 3 months after) and I’m still working on my seed stitch peach dream. I’ve now finally finished one I crocheted for my friend Laura. Ehum, her birthday was in May. To my defence this summer was very busy. Better late than never, right?
Once the scarf was done we had an impromptu photo shoot on Lauttasaari.

The scarf is crocheted in a closed shell stitch. I wanted to use a stitch I’ve tried before because crocheting a scarf is quit time consuming.

I really like this minty colour, it’s mild but works great with both bold and monochrome colours.

A few rows in and still in denial about how long it’s going to take to finish the scarf.

Tada! A few months later the scarf was ready and gift wrapped.

“Hold the pretty flowers!” Me trying to channel my inner art director.

But can you blame me though? These fluffy flowers were so pretty!

And flowers apparently make great backgrounds.

Then Laura suggested we go to the beach, excellent idea!

You can never go wrong with sunsets!

There was somebody filming a dance routine in the water. I’d like to see the result of their shoot.